Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Ways of Using Stories

What's Your Story?
An article describing ways that digital storytelling can be used for business presentations and other corporate means. It combines digital video stories with live storytellers to liven up corporate presentations. The creator of this form of presentation, Dana Atchley, passed away in 2000, but his website detailing his presentation, Next Exit, is still available.

Storytellers of the New Millennium
This article details some of the different forms of digital storytelling, as well as who is studying it. It also breaks down the art of digital storytelling into sections: Digital Self-Expression (such as hypertext fiction), Performance Art on the Web (like MUDs and chatrooms like The Palace, where Waiting For Godot was staged, like I mentioned in an earlier post), and Pursuit of Personal Story. It also goes on to detail what interactive CD ROM games are. It doesn't seem to discuss games in a traditional sense, as they seem to focus on the "interactive" part rather than the "game".

StoryCorps is a project dedicated to recording and telling the life stories of people who come to the website. The stories are documented in audio files, and made available to the public through free CDs or on public radio. The intention seems to be to preserve the stories of these people beyond their lifetime.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Hello from StoryCorps! Thanks so much for posting about us, and helping us spread the word about opportunities to participate! For your readers who cannot make it to any of the MobileBooth stops to participate, we are also launching a new initiative to make conducting these interviews easier.

This November 28th, the day after Thanksgiving, StoryCorps is launching the first-ever National Day of Listening. We’re asking Americans to set aside an hour to record a conversation with a friend, family member, or loved one. We've launched a separate website ( with more tools and tips, a downloadable guide, and an instructional video for recording family and friends the day after Thanksgiving and beyond. Thanks again for helping us spread the word!
